He is ranked as one of the greatest celebrities of Sri Madhwa Siddhanta because of his five " Bhava Bodhas " which are the commentaries on the works of Sri Acharya. His guru Sri Raghuvarya Theertha of Uttaradhi Mutt consented to receive the ' bhiksha ' from a couple without children on the condition that the first born should be handed over to the Mutt on birth. He also sent them a gold plate just before delivery so that the new born might be delivered in it. After the delivery the child was taken to the Mutt where he was cleansed with abhisheka water of Sri Moola Rama. At the age of seven the boy was ordained into the holy order and given the name Raghothama Theertha.
After the death of his guru, Swamyji had a dream one day in which Sri Moola Rama in the guise of Sri Raghuvarya Theertha inscribed the ' beejakshara ' on his tongue and instructed him to start teaching his disciples straightaway. Instantaneously all Vedic texts and Philosophical truths flowed in torrents from the mouth of the young Raghothama Theertha; and then onwards he became the Acharya.
He wrote five commentaries and each is called "Bhava Bodha".
They are :
1) Geetha Bhashya
2) Nyaya Vivarana
3) Vishnu Thathwa Nirnaya
4) Brihadaaranyaka
5) Thathvaprakaashika
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